Friday, June 8, 2012

Thank you frugal girl

Food Waste Friday! I am a HUGE blog fan of "The Frugal Girl" and so many other blogs that I've followed over the years. I especially like the movement that (I think) the Frugal Girl started which is to create an awareness to food that has gone to waste. Each Friday, it's encouraged that you post about food that was wasted. As a fan of FG, I have made many efforts and change in this department...however, I hope that having my own blog will serve as an accountability of sorts. I recently had to go through my fridge (not for this) because something was smelling...and I knew I needed to clean it out. I did. Wow. It was not a fine moment. It was a WASTE of produce...the items I cherish the most! :( I had purchased the big salad green mix that comes in a plastic container (think Costco) and it served my family for about 2 meals...with another 2 family side to dinner and possibly a lunch for me left in it...and then "life" hit. Moving, multiple graduations to attend, parties, shuffling kids place to place...and finding ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time for dinner (think Fastfood or burger joints)...and about half of this lettuce was wasted. It was so nasty and smelly that I didn't think twice about throwing it out. Just now, in hindsight, I see that it was a WASTEFUL thing to do...and it should have been eaten because the reality is (at least this is what I thought when I bought it) that it's an "easy" meal waiting to happen. Add some shredded chicken, shredded cheese, grate up some carrots, chop up extra veggies and viola! You have cheap and healthy dinner that hands down better than anything else we consumed in the green-mix-salad stead. So, please bear with me as I try this out...with the goal of a soon to be NO FOOD WASTE to post!


  1. Welcome to Food Waste Friday. I find that posting each week about our food waste has really made a difference. We waste much less than we used to.

  2. Loving your post DD - it's really cool. I'm gonna follow your journey... Keep strong, focused and humble. You'll get there.
    Purchase Baby
